Wednesday, 30 October 2013

The One Mistake You're Making That Keeps You From Getting Your Ex Back

What is the mistake you're making?

You're being 'needy'. You're chasing them. You're pursuing them.

You have to stop that. You weren't like that BEFORE you met them, were you?

No you weren't. That would have been a big turnoff. And now its a big turnoff.

You need to be happy totally within yourself. No one else will ever 'complete' you.

You should never 'need' anyone else.

No one wants to be your entire world. They just want to be a part of your world.

They can't be your 'life'. That is being very needy...It's desperate.

If you'd give up your career to chase that 'special someone' that is the only person in the world for you, chances are you're a bit obssessed with them.

Give it time.

You'll get them back...or you'll get someone even better.